How to Convert Multiple Scanned Documents into Single PDF File:

Today we gonna show you how to convert Multiple Scanned Documents into Single PDF file. Because easy and fast way using Adobe Photoshop. Therefore just follow theses step by step method.

Step 1: First of all scan your documents or save all jpg files into your drive. So that you want to convert into a single pdf file.

Step 2: Open Adobe Photoshop.

Step 3: Open all JPG Files in Photoshop using File Menu > Open or Press (Ctrl+O)

Scanned Documents

Step 4: When you open all JPG Files go to File Menu > Automate > PDF Presentation. (Check Screen Shot)

Step 5: Now click Add open files.Seems like press save button. Rather then here you can re-arrange jpg files by dragging. While just hold file. And then drag from top to bottom or bottom to top. Leave all other options and press save option.

Scanned Documents

Step 6: Again a dialog box will open. Press save button here.

Scanned Documents

Step 7: You’ll also see this option now. So “Save Adobe PDF”. And also click Save option here.

Now you’ve done! Just open your saved file and use.

Enjothe y easy way to convert all JPG Scanned Documents inta o Single PDF file. If you have any trouble feel free to comment below.